Newsletters from 1996 through 2000
Prior to 2000, the North Dakota Catholic Conference published and mailed a newsletter called “Perspective.” The conference recently discovered portable document versions of the newsletters from 1996 to 2000. The documents are available below. Please excuse the formatting. These are the original documents that were later reformatted by the printer.
Winter 1996 — Creation, Property Rights, and the Law of Takings
Spring 1996 — North Dakota Catholic Conference Opposes Gambling Measure; North Dakota June Primary Ballot Measures; Conference: “We Preach Family Values, But Do We Value Families?”
Fall 1996 — Political Responsibility During an Election Year; Issues for Campaign Season in North Dakota; North Dakota Catholic Conference Committee Goals; Catholic Conference Hires Health Care Advocate; And More
Fall 1997 — North Dakota Catholic Conference Goals for 1997-98; Conference Receives Grant for Creation and Stewardship Video; New Catechism Position on the Death Penalty; Steps Toward Parental Choice in Education; Health Care for Children; Remembering Mother Teresa on the Sanctity of Human Life
Winter 1998 — Welfare Reform, Abstinence Education, and Out-of-Wedlock Pregnancy: What is North Dakota Doing?; The North Dakota Catholic Conference Has a New Web Site; Health Care Committee Goals ; Senator Byron Dorgan Helps Lead Effort Against Oregon Assisted Suicide Law; Family Farms
Spring 1998 — A Look at Catholic Teaching on Education Policy; What’s Going On . . . Agriculture, Abstinence Education, Food Stamps, Children’s Health Insurance, Welfare Reform; Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Petition; 1998 Fall Legislative Workshop
Fall 1998 —Voter’s Issue Card; The Issues, The Candidates, and Your Vote in 1998; Legislative Updates
Fall 1999 —Giving Thanks Through Action: One Year Later; State Abortion Numbers Rise; Merger Mania in Agriculture; Special Education Services
Fall 2000 — Issues for the 2000 Election
What We Do
The North Dakota Catholic Conference acts on behalf of the Roman Catholic bishops of North Dakota to respond to public policy issues of concern to the Catholic Church and to educate Catholics and the general public about Catholic social doctrine.
Contact Us
North Dakota Catholic Conference
103 South Third Street, Suite 10
Bismarck, North Dakota
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