Testimony on Senate Bill 2361 (Pregnancy Support Information)

To: Senate Human Services Committee
From: Christopher Dodson, Executive Director
Subject: Senate Bill 2361 (Information Regarding Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Adoption)
Date: January 30, 2001

The North Dakota Catholic Conference supports Senate Bill 2361.

Senate Bill 2361 improves and builds upon existing law designed to assist women with pregnancy, childbirth, and adoption. Its purpose is to help create a culture of life so that women can choose childbirth over abortion.

The existing law, enacted in 1991, required the Department of Health to publish geographically indexed materials designed to inform women of public and private agencies and services available to assist a woman through pregnancy, childbirth, and after the child is born, including adoption agencies. Although the original charge was to the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services published the original compilation. That information has not been printed in an updated form for several years. Senate Bill 2361 will make the material more current and available by requiring the material to updated every four years and be posted on the internet.

So that the information is put to the best possible use, Senate Bill 2361 expands the program by establishing a toll-free telephone referral service for women seeking information on pregnancy, childbirth, or adoption. Such a referral service will better ensure that any woman seeking help will be able to find it. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania operates such a referral service. Between July 1999 and June 2000, approximately 2000 callers called Pennsylvania’s referral service.

The prohibition in Senate Bill 2361 against referring a person to an agency that provides abortion counseling, refers for abortion, or performs abortions would make the referral program consistent with North Dakota Century Code section 14 02.3-01, which prohibits state funds from being used for the performance or promotion of abortion.
For greater clarification, Senate Bill 2361 could be amended on page 2, line 10 to clarify that the materials should be reviewed, updated, and reprinted every four years. Although the Department is presently required to provide the materials to any person, facility, or hospital, the only printed version distributed is from 1992.

Services, like those proposed in Senate Bill 2361 play an important role in building a culture of life and ensuring that no woman ever feels the need to choose an abortion. North Dakota’s abortion rate is at a ten-year high. We, as a society, have an obligation to make sure women are aware of life-affirming options. Senate Bill 2361 helps fulfill that obligation.

We urge a Do Pass on Senate Bill 2361.

Testimony on Senate Bill 2361 (Pregnancy Support Information)
before the House Human Services Committee

To: House Human Services Committee
From: Christopher Dodson, Executive Director
Subject: Senate Bill 2361 (Information Related to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Abortion)
Date: March 7, 2001

The North Dakota Catholic Conference supports Senate Bill 2361. Senate Bill 2361 improves and builds upon existing law designed to assist women with pregnancy, childbirth, and adoption. Its purpose is to help create a culture of life so that women can choose childbirth over abortion.

The existing law, enacted in 1991, required the Department of Health to publish two types of materials. The first, described in North Dakota Century Code section 14-02.1-02.1 (1) (a) required geographically indexed materials designed to inform women of public and private agencies and services available to assist a woman through pregnancy, childbirth, and after the child is born, including adoption agencies. The second, in subsection (b) of the same statute, required the publishing of materials on the development of the unborn child.

The geographically indexed support material has not been printed in an updated form for several years. Although the Department of Health has started reprinting the development materials, there was a period of time when the color photograph brochures were unavailable. Senate Bill 2361 will ensure that both sets of materials be reviewed, updated, and, if necessary, reprinted every four years. So that the support materials best indicate the agencies’ position on abortion, the updated materials would indicate whether the agency provides counseling or referral services or advocates for or performs abortions.

In addition, lines 13 and 14 on page 2 of the engrossed bill require that the materials be placed on the department’s web site. We understand that copyright law may prevent the photographs in the development booklet from being posted. It is, of course,only our intent to get posted only those materials which can legally be posted.

The engrossed version of Senate Bill 2361 requires the department to contract for the operation of a toll-free telephone referral service for women seeking
information on pregnancy, childbirth, or adoption. Such a referral service will better ensure that any woman seeking help will be able to find it. However, to avoid duplication of services and provide some legal protection for the organization with the contract, this service would better be handled through Senate Bill 2354.

Services, like those proposed in Senate Bill 2361 play an important role in building a culture of life and ensuring that no woman ever feels the need to choose an abortion. North Dakota’s abortion rate is at a ten-year high. We, as a society, have an obligation to make sure women are aware of life-affirming options. Senate Bill 2361 helps fulfill that obligation.

We urge a Do Pass on Senate Bill 2361.